What is the purpose and importance of River Sand?

What is the purpose and importance of River Sand? River sand is a loose, fragmented natural material that is made up of small particles of decomposed shells, corals or rocks. This material is important in the construction industry. In the construction industry river sand is one of the most required materials for the construction process. It … Read more

What is red building sand used for?

What is red building sand used for? As the name implies red building sand is naturally red-coloured sand that is collected and used for construction purposes. The sand is fine and usually makes smooth mortar mixes. This sand is finer than any other building material and therefore produces a smoother consistency. This smooth mixture makes … Read more

Why use a bulk sand supplier?

Why use a bulk sand supplier? Sand is a crucial ingredient for the success of any construction project. Whether it be specific types of sand you need or reliable builder mix, you’re most likely to need this substance when erecting any kind of building. You therefore need an affordable way of sourcing these ingredients for … Read more

Different types of sand used for building

Different types of sand used for building Building sand is a material that’s been around for a long time now and plays a crucial role in most construction projects. It is mostly used in concrete mix, filling applications and plastering. Knowing what type of sand to use for your project is important as it will … Read more

Which sand is best for plaster?

Which sand is best for plaster? When it comes to home construction or renovation, it’s always best to use the best quality and strongest materials to ensure that your structures remain durable for as long as possible, even if it means stretching your budget a little bit. When it comes to plastering, sand is used … Read more

The difference between building sand and plastering sand

The difference between building sand and plastering sand In the construction industry, sand is often used for various applications, such as building and plastering. However, they do not use the same sand for these applications. Read about the difference between building sand and plastering sand below:    Building sand Building sand is sand that is … Read more

How is sand mined from the earth?

How is sand mined from the earth? When you think about mining, chances are that the first things to come to mind are gold, precious metals, coal, and base metals like nickel used in many everyday items. Well, what if we told you that sand mining is actually just as important (if not, more so) … Read more

Why is open-pit mining cheaper?

Why is open-pit mining cheaper? Mining is a job suited for a select group of people who have the courage to put their lives on the line for the sake of the job at hand. There are a few different types of mining methods used around the world; today, we’re going to take a closer look at … Read more